Pathways to End Tuberculosis - Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Global Health Goals

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a pressing global health challenge, with millions of people falling ill and losing their li

Yes! We Can END TB

Yes We Can END TB

World Tuberculosis Day Invest to End TB and Save Lives

Respiratory infections have been haunting humanity for a long time, and Tuberculosis is one such primary infection.


Myth: Tuberculosis is a curse. Reality: This is a false notion.

Anti- Tuberculosis League in Bombay City,1912

Robert Koch’s announcement of the tubercle bacillus in 1882 was a landmark, but attention in colonial India moved fro

Habitat Monitoring for TB Risk Mitigation and an Integrated Information-based DecisionMaking Framework for Dense Urban Settings: An Approach

The impact of the unclean and crowded living conditions, especially that experienced in the thickly populated slums o